

Oudh Tharath (Thailand)

Categories: , Product ID: 315


Oudh Tharath, also known as Thai Oudh or Agarwood from Thailand, is a sought-after variety of agarwood (oud) known for its unique and aromatic qualities. Thailand is one of the countries in Southeast Asia where agarwood trees, specifically Aquilaria crassna, are found and cultivated.

Oudh Tharath is prized for its rich, woody fragrance profile with sweet and balsamic undertones. It offers a warm and inviting scent that is often used in perfumery and incense production. The aromatic properties of Oudh Tharath make it a valuable and highly regarded ingredient in the fragrance industry.

The process of producing Oudh Tharath typically involves the extraction of agarwood resin from the heartwood of agarwood trees. This resin is then distilled to create the precious oud oil. The unique aroma of Oudh Tharath is a result of the resin formation within the tree, which occurs when the tree is subjected to certain natural stressors or infections.

Oudh Tharath is appreciated by fragrance enthusiasts and those who seek the exotic and captivating scents of agarwood. Its distinct fragrance sets it apart as a luxurious and aromatic treasure from Thailand, adding to the diverse world of oud oils and perfumery ingredients.


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